Everyone knows that green tea is good for you, right? It is thought to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It contains plenty of antioxidants that have many health benefits, including fat loss and improved brain function.
I personally love the taste of green tea, however, it’s not to everyone’s taste and many people simply won’t give it the chance. There are many healthy ways to sweeten your cup of green tea, try adding a spoonful of honey, or a slice of lemon to your tea, it changes the taste significantly, so go on, give it a try!
Another fun fact about green tea, did you know you don’t just have drink it to reap the benefits?
Green tea is the perfect remedy for unwanted under eye bags!!
That’s right, the tannin in tea bags has been proven to reduce swelling (baggy under eyes) and discoloration (dark circles). So next time you have a cup of green tea, use 2 bags instead of one, remove the bags and let them cool, then lay down and apply the tea bags to closed eyes for 15-30 minutes.

You should see results instantly, however discoloration can take a little longer to tackle, I recommend doing this for 2-3 times per week and if you keep going you will gradually start to see the benefits.
For the best results, choose an organic, fully caffeinated tea. Using an organic teabag will ensure that it’s not been bleached. It’s definitely worth checking that you’re not using bleached teabags to prevent any potential skin irritation.
Tea bags are also great for relieving dry eyes! Use a warm (not hot) teabag, place on the eyelid for 10-15 minutes, 4-6 times per day, this should help unclog the blocked duct and relieve dry eyes.
Give green tea a try and share your feedback, I’d love to hear your story !
